Founder Di Tierney

About Active Waste Solutions

Business located in Australia

Vision statement:

Aiming for a balanced and sustainable approach to the use and conservation of natural resources.


Through the development and implementation of personalised educational programs develop a community ethic and behaviour that focuses on waste minimisation and resource recovery. Reach all avenues of the community to increase awareness and participation in waste minimisation, awareness of the correct recycling procedures, develop waste minimisation skills and motivate the community to develop and sustain attitudes and behaviours.

Industry Experience:

I have over thirty years’ experience in the local government industry including environmental health services, strategic environmental planning, coordinator of the Environment and Waste Branch and most recently a technical waste officer. I have a Bachelor of Applied Science with a major in Environment Health and is passionate about developing sustainable waste management systems.

Within this time I have developed skills in the implementation and delivery of waste education programs incorporating cyclic evaluation monitoring and recording. Programs and workshops that are provided by Active Waste Solutions are targeted to early learning, primary and secondary schools and the community. Empowering participants with take home actions to effectively manage their waste and designed to encourage permanent behavioural change techniques.

I have established a comprehensive understanding of relevant waste practices and legislation in landfill management such as construction of new landfill cells, filling plans, landfill gas collection and flaring, waste classification, transfer station design and operations, remediation and wastewater management.

With my strengths in communication and education techniques I can clearly demonstrate skills in developing programs to empower participants with support and knowledge to enable personal behavioural change.